Never was so much achieved by mankind with so little effort. With the advent of information and Communication Technology, e-Commerce and e-Governance gained a major thrust. As more and more activities started happening in the virtual world, criminals also targeted and used their abilities to commit Cyber Crimes and thrive in cyber space. The Cyber Law and IPR Investigation course provides you with a strong base to gathering and analyzing evidence of the crimes happening in Cyber Space.
- To have a panoramic view about the necessary and must have knowledge about the cyber world.
- To provide for an insight to Cyber Laws in India, an overview of Information Technology Act,2000.
- To provide extensive knowledge of the consequential amendments in various conventional laws in India.
- To provide an overview of the Information Technology Act, 2000, Digital and Electronic Signature, E-Governance, E- Record and E- Contract, Cyber Appellate Tribunal Cybercrimes and consequential amendments in various conventional laws.
- 15 Years of experience in Techno Legal Investigations & Prosecution
- Better placement options at Renowned Companies
- Syllabus having more practical approach than theory
- Numerous career opportunities
- Professional training that involves real time & real world challenges
- Extensively covers the fundamentals required to have strong base in Cyber
Crime & Cyber Security Domain
- Insights into the types and phases of cyber crime
- Covers the functionalities and purpose of different investigation tools
- Law Enforcement & Legal Professionals
- IT & Cybersecurity Professionals
- Corporate & Business Professionals
- Students & Academicians
- Module 1: Introduction To Cyber Law
- Module 2: Regulation of Cyberspace
- Module 3: E-Commerce
- Module 4: Types of Tools Used
- Module 5: Software as a Service and Licening (SAAS)
- Module 6: Online Reputation Management
- Module 7: Cyber Law in India: An Overview of Information Technology Act, 2008
- Module 8: Consequential Amendments in Various Conventional Laws in India
- Module 9: Diffrent Conventions and Model For Cyber Law
- Module 10: Introduction to IPR
- Module 11: Components of IPR
- Module 12: Laws Related to IPR
- Module 13: Registration Procedures
- Module 14: Legal Provision in Regard to Data and Identity
- Module 15: Enforcement in Case of Infrigement
- Module 16: Data Seizure & Hash Value
Digital Task Force's Professional Certification is beneficial and enlightening as a
professional student. The courses are designed in such a manner, which would help you dive
into the depth of every concept, thereby making concepts crystal clear. These professional
courses are an asset to kick-start your own Forensic practice/service, Investigation, Audits
and/or Consultancy. These courses will assist you develop your skill sets and take your
expertise to a professional level. Affixing dual recognition certificate to your resume will
amplify your command over the subject. Learn from experts and become a professional
within short span of time.