Cyber Lab Establishment
The Cyber labs utilize the latest software and industry standards for processing evidence as well as offer trainings in digital forensics for their staff, law enforcement officials, corporate practitioners, and students. The development of the lab is to enhance the teaching, research, and service mission of the criminal justice department by serving the law enforcement community in cell phone analysis, data extraction and processing, by utilizing the latest hardware and software in the industry.
The lab utilizes tools necessary to analyze digital technologies while simultaneously producing high quality reports and providing testimony for the State. Furthermore, these labs have been used for educational purposes for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in courses in computer crime, digital forensics, and cyber terrorism to provide a practical experience in digital forensic investigations. Developing a system that is fast enough and has enough storage to carry out these tasks in an efficient and timely manner is imperative to reducing the backlog of cases that law enforcement agencies face.
The technician and researcher will want to view and evaluate a flash drive or memory card, without tampering with the evidence, to do this they rely upon a write‐blocker. A forensic write‐block device is a specialized type of computer hard disk controller made for the purpose of gaining read‐only access to computer hard drives without the risk of damaging the drive’s contents or evidence.